
There was a riders’ meeting Friday night. The course is good to go! The only hitch…. if they get anymore rain they won’t be able to get emergency vehicles where they need to go. If that’s the case, they have to cancel. The call was to be made 9 AM on Saturday.
Sarah sent me a text Friday night… “CANCELED”. An announcement was made Friday night in the riders’ tent that because it was raining again they just could not go on with the competition. I am soooooo incredibly bummed!
I am currently working on Plan B. Hopefully I can get into the World Cup Final next week in France. My chances are very slim, but everyone MUST cross their fingers as I have the 21st ranked horse in the world cup standings. Unfortunately, everyone is trying to get in & they only wand 40 horses total. There are already 43 entered.
My other options are Boekelo CCI*** the weekend before Fairhill or Pau CCI**** the last weekend in October. These options are going to be very expensive!!! I just can’t imagine coming home without having done anything! Fingers crossed for getting in next week, as this would be most ideal!


  1. Hi Allison, keeping my fingers and “hooves” crossed for you and Arthur. Let me know if you need anything.

  2. Hi Allison,

    What a bummer about the cancellation! Story and I have all our limbs crossed for you. When you’re ready to dry out come to California – anytime is a good time!

  3. Alli- so sorry about Blenheim, Erick and I are keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you and Arthur! We love and miss you and wish the best for the two of you! Send my love to Sarah as well!

  4. Good luck in France!!!!!!! Wahoo!!!