The Snow Storm!!!!

So I have finally made it home!! It started snowing here on Friday night. Predictions were for 20 inches of snow in our area. Blake & Helen were both away this weekend with their families (Blake & Helen live on the farm), Sarah lives up a steep hill near Sky Meadows state park in a seriously low priority area as far as snow plowing goes. I knew I had to get to the barn Friday night so that I could take care of the horses all weekend.
Friday evening started out really well. One of my very dearest friends, Vicky Jessop, had a Christmas party. Vicky and Barry were married 1 1/2 ago at her family’s farm in England. Vicky’s family is amazing. They are so much fun; they will keep you in stitches all night. Myself, Jan Byyny, Lyndsey Wagner and Sue Clarke were all bridesmades in the wedding and all of our Middleburg eventing friends went to the wedding as well. This was probably one of the greatest weddings I have ever been to — everyone was together on vacation with nothing else to do except have fun and get into trouble! Anyhooo… everyone was looking forward to this Christmas party and having a giggle with her parents! And giggle we did. I wish I could have stayed all night, but I knew I had to get to the farm that night. The snow was really coming down and the roads wouldn’t be driveable much longer. It was a HUGE event to get the horses in in the morning. The horses stayed in all day Saturday as the snow kept coming down. I tried to leave the farm Saturday night as the snow had stopped and I was sure the snow plows were on top of it. Not so much. I made it a ways down the road and then I thought I should really just turn around and go back. In the process of turning around I got stuck!!! Then another truck came around the corner, just nearly missed hitting my truck and then he got stuck!!! Bummer! I was really worried that I was going to be there all night, but did eventually manage to get my truck out with some salt from a guy plowing and a shovel off someone’s porch! Phew! Back to the farm. More canned dinner from Helen & Blake’s apartment! Sunday morning was beautiful — sunny and although the snow was deep is was very light. I managed to get all the horses out and hay to them — no small event doing that. I also managed to clean stalls and somehow get the wheelbarrows down to the spreader through the knee deep snow. The spreader now looks like Mt Poopmore. I did manage to get back home Sunday afternoon but just for a short while as I have just learned Sarah is going to be stuck at her place another day and I have to try to make it back to the barn!!!!