Pau — xc day

So I am operating on about one hour of sleep. I just couldn’t fall asleep and probably cried for most of the night. I feel like I am riding better than I have ever this season & my horses are going better than ever, yet I have finished this year without the competitive results I had hoped for. I know that the most can be learned from challenging times and experience is what builds the best riders.
It was really hard to be a spectator today. I enjoyed cheering Jan on and helping her, but it was very disappointing to not see her have the Pau experience she was looking forward to. She had two run outs, but was mostly very good. Oliver Townend is winning (going for the HSBC Series $$$ — which he should surely win). There were a few real class acts on the xc… I think my favorite of the day was Lucy Weigersma’s horse (who won Blenheim this year).
I think the only real high point of the day was being asked about my gorgeous horse Arthur… miss you Mr. Arthur!!!
Yesterday’s highlight was William Fox Pitt inquiring about Burger and saying he was a really nice horse… go Burgs!


  1. nancy and michael says


    Hang in there, girl. As you know better than we, “today is the first day of the rest of your life”. We admire your fortitude. (I’d be bawling in a corner like an idiot). As for Paris, we too went there and fell in love with the city. Been there 3x now and going back next fall (found a fab apt. on Isle St. Louis that we hope to get again. You sure hit the spots -including where you celebrated your b’day! Happy b’day from us. On the home front, your boy Mr. T is busy stealing my heart – great guy. Kook to ride but I am loving it! Please take care. Love, Nancy and Michael.

  2. did the camel make it?