Happy Christmas!

It is Christmas night late. A ton of mixed emotions… all good. I love being home so much, I can’t believe I only ever come home for just a couple of days. I had such a great time with my family. We ate entirely too much and I only did Robby’s pilates dvd twice… so I probably worked off nothing! Dad and I did go xc skiing tonight… just before we ate double our weight ing Christmas dinner. Oh well! Luckily I managed to stay on the nice list again… I think mostly because I work too darn hard!!! I didn’t ask Santa for anything this year — I am so grateful for the year that I had with all my horses, and I am even more grateful that all my family (including my horses) had a healthy and happy year. That being said, I am rocking a new pair of LL Bean Wicked Good slippers (and they are just that)! Dad also upgraded my mac to the Leopard operating system and hooked me up with an external hard drive… I didn’t ask for these things but I have to admit I was probably heading for a Carrie incident from Sex & the City. The Leopard system is really cool! What’s really cool is the Planet Earth BBC dvds that I bought my dad. Everyone should watch these dvds! You can’t watch these and not want to be a better person. Backing up a bit… another fabulous Christmas Eve. Dinner at the Barrington Bistro, then church service with the most beautiful music (minus my dad and I singing… apologies to the Burkharts who came and sat next to us). Then to Elyse and Ray Roberts for the best dessert and caroling party ever. Pictures to be posted soon as words cannot due this party justice. Backup a bit more to December 23rd. The Achesons came over for dinner, which is always a good laugh and then we had a pool tournament. I can’t believe the Springers won, but I can tell you where my competitiveness comes from… Mama Springer!!! Anyhoo… I am sad to leave my family and wish I was carrying onto Memphis tomorrow with them to visit the rest of the clan! Happy Christmas Everyone!!