A Very Exciting Summer!

2008 has been such an amazing year! I cannot possibly begin to recount the many wonderful things that have gone on thus far (being named to the USET High Performance List, top finishes at major competitions like Red Hills, The Fork, Jersey Fresh and Rolex), but I promise to keep you up to date from here on out!!! The most exciting news of the summer is my planed trip to England to compete at Blenheim CCI 3*. We leave next week…. I’ve been waiting so long for this moment and now it’s suddenly upon me! I am sending my amazing groom, Sarah Fitch, with a camera as well. She and Arthur leave on Wed. Sept. 3rd… she gets to fly with him, so she will have to take a lot of pictures of Arthur’s first plane ride. Stay tuned to this blog for regular updates on the trip.
BTW… attached is a picture of Burger from Red Hills. I thought this fence was enormous… he seems to think otherwise!