I’ve had such an enjoyable month training the horses at home. ALL the horses are doing so well and are all very happy… we love that! Katie & Henri Prudent were in town for a couple of weeks, so I took full advantage of that. I had great lessons and was fortunate to share them with Jan Byyny & Will Coleman. I improve so much more being able to watch and learn from other great riders like Jan & Will. Arthur also got special longeing lessons from Henri. This was great as it should give me a better way to work Arthur through his spookiness at the shows. I was also able to take Burger Arthur Jack & Mo to Upperville Horse Show and do some jumper classes. I always feel like I need more mileage in the jumper ring, so it was great to have Katie’s guidance there as well… I think am improving!!!!
Training at Home
June 9, 2009 By