Travel day to Kentucky. Arthur, Sarah, myself and Kendra McQuillan (dear friend) left my farm at 7:00 am and 9 hours later arrived at the Horse Park. The trip was uneventful, which is always good! The only bad news of the day is that I was informed my parents would not be coming to Kentucky!!! My mother had badly broken her leg on Friday night (which they hadn?t told me ? they didn?t want to worry me) and had surgery that day?. Serious bummer? I love having my family there. It just wouldn?t be the same without them. I knew the only way to remedy the situation was to call in The Fairy-Godmother!!!! And, as always, Diane Senese, came through. She did some last minute arranging, would drive from NYC and would arrive Thursday afternoon? LOVE HER!!!!
Rolex – Monday
May 6, 2009 By