Rolex – Friday

Today was a very busy day!!! I had to get up quite early so I could be on for my pre-ride then have plenty of time for him & me to get dolled up for our test. Doing dressage on Friday is always a bit more challenging for a nervous horse as the crowds really start arriving on Friday. People and commotion everywhere… there are even people crowded to watch you warm up for your test. He is considerably more abuzz today, but seems to be working through it well as long as he keeps moving. When we would take a rest brake he would light up again and want to walk really fast and look around at everything. When it was our time to go in the ring he was very very good! He could definitely have been more relaxed but he was beautiful and correct… I also could have ridden him in a more uphill frame. I was very pleased with my trot and canter work. The walk, halt and reinback in the middle of the test was not very good at all. We did walk across the diagonal, but it wasn’t a lovely extended walk it was a quick nervous “mall walk” (the mall walkers exercizing at the mall… walking really fast!!) so no overstep shown. When we halted he looked straight up at the people into the stands, then the rein back was a quick shuffle backwards, I knew we would be ok once we got into the canter work. The canterwork is challenging enough to get his attention back and I would really need to go for it if I was going to make up any points! We were a couple strides late in the 2nd change, but all in all… everything was pretty good! Good boy Arthur!!!
During lunch I had a press conference for PRO — the Professional Riders Organization — which went really well. I am so incredibly excited about the future of this organization and what is can do to improve eventing at every level. **** If you have not done so yet, PLEASE go to and join today**** We really need the strength of a good membership base. We offer two levels of membership right now… for those of you who ride at the prelim level and above please join at the $150 participating member level, and for everyone else (you don’t have to be a rider… just a fan and supporter of the sport) please join at the $35 level****
After the press conference it was off to play Pony Club games!!! Myself, along with Gina Miles, Stephen Bradley, Cathy Weischoff, Eric & Sarah Dierks, were asked to play along with some of the Pony Clubbers there competing in The Games Championships. What a hoot!!! I have to admit, this was the most nervous I had been all week, as it took me so long to feel physically well again from my fall that I couldn’t help but think, “What if I get hurt messing around on a ten hand pony????”
At 4:00 pm I walked the cross country course with Capt. Mark and Phillip Dutton.
I feel great about the course and am looking forward to tomorrow!!!
The following pictures are courtesy of Derith Vogt