Buck’s Back!

Sooooo…. when I arrived to the barn this morning guess who pulled in right behind me??? Buck! He was on his way to surgery last night and he could suddenly pop his hernia back in, sooo no surgery and he is geared up to ride this week! He actually looks just fine. He says he is going to get it taken care of as soon as he gets back to the states (he has had this for 2 years, and the doctors said as long as he could pop it back in it was fine!). I am sure his body did NOT want it taken care of in an English hospital!!! ANyhoo… thought I should get this info out asap!!!


  1. Thanks for keeping up all updated!

  2. Only going off personal experience in a London hospital… it was absolutely dreadful for me!!! I love my host country, everyone has been amazing to me here. Sorry if I offended you. A