Bromont Day 1

We arrived safe and sound! A very easy drive, which is always good. So far I have walked my cross country course twice, ridden Burger a few times and we had our first horse inspection this morning (which went just fine). We have also been to the local micro-brewery twice for dinner! I love it there… the guy remembered me from two years ago!!!! Probably because I had all the Chicago folks with me last time (Katlyn & Fred McMorriss, Jamie Price & Roger) a crew like that would definitely leave a lasting impression… HA! The course is beautiful, I am so excited to ride it. We need to get through dressage first and Burger has been agreeable thusfar — for those of you that don’t know Burger he is not really impressed by being braided and clean… and doing something that doesn’t involve jumping!!! Bodie has had a fabulous time in Canada, so far he has killed two ground hogs… he is very proud of himself… I am a little disgusted! Tonight we are off to the veeeery yummy Thai restaurant for dinner…. tomorrow I do dressage at 10:00 am… fingers crossed.


  1. hi Allison glad you made it safe and sound. Hi sarah and Bodie Peppy says hi and wished he could have chased the ground hogs too. And great to hear that both horses are on the team list! you must be so proud of yourself. i am keeping fingers crossed for you and hope the weather is good for the weekend. take care

  2. Eventersmom says

    Very excited to find your blog! So far so good! Best of luck and my signature saying: “have a SSS!” (Safe/Successful/Show) May the force/horse be with you! Kisses for BURGER!